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July 11, 2012

Miss A Members Display Their Colorful Expression

Miss A members recently displaying their cheerful, colorful and girly friendship as they shares a photo which shown the girls true personality.

On July 10th, via Jia's personal Twitter she wrote, "It's been a long time ~ Who is Min talking to?", and she posted the photo above. 

The photo shown four Miss A girls, Jia, Min, Fei and Suzy sit and line-up together as they displaying their various expression which adorable and cute. Min spotted busy talking in her cellphone, while Fei looks so stressful facing Min's activity and Suzy gives her bitter but cute expression.

Netizens who saw their photo then replied, "Who is the person is Min talking to, a boy?", "Four people look so differently cute" and "Just like a reality show, so funny".

Source+Photo: Newsen


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