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December 20, 2012

2NE1's Minzy Sends a Christmas Greeting with a Cute Selca

2NE1's Minzy greets Christmas to her fans by sharing a cute photo.

On December 20th, Minzy wrote in YG official me2day, "Minzy is sending a greeting all YG's craze in the end of year! Minzy presents to all of you with a Christmas gift! This cute selca. 2012 will be over soon, watch out for cold. Minzy will turn into adult in 2013, and I'll show you better performance. I love you all", and she posted the photo above.

Donned in jumper and denim jacket, Minzy looks cute as she captivated fans with her flawless skin, catchy eyes while she starred into the camera with adorable pose.

Fans then commented, "Minzy is so cute", "The maknae has turned into an adult now" and "I hope 2NE1 will be back soon."

Source+Photo: TV Report


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