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November 25, 2012

CNBLUE's Jungshin Cheers on Juniel's Comeback at "Music Bank"

CNBLUE's Lee Jungshin recently visits his labelmate, Juniel at "Music Bank".

On November 23rd, Juniel tweeted, "Today is my comeback stage with 'Bad Man', when CNBLUE's Jungshin sunbae visit and cheer me on! He came in the middle of recording and gave me a cute bear-shaped bread! Thank you sunbaenim! 'My Daughter Seoyoung' fighting!", and she posted the photo above.

Juniel looks petite next to tall Jungshin, as she shows off her cute bear shaped bread, while they captivated fans with their intimate poses and warm smiles toward the camera.

Fans then commented, "Juniel and Jungshin look so close together", "They such cute sunbae and hoobae" and "Juniel's 'Bad Man', daebak!".

Source+Photo: Reviewstar


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